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One Evo - Ghost
- Price
- 137,90€
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Product description
The New Ghost Holster – The One EVO has been remodelled and enhanced to complete the line
of Ghost’s Ultimate IPSC holsters. The One’s uniquely designed drawing system integrates a metal
sphere within a polymer block to provide optimal security and speed. The barrel support bar
is completely adjustable, offering support for all barrel lengths. This holster uses the same belt
attachment as the Ultimate and the Thunder.
Best racing holster!
- Completely adjustable.
- Guarantees fast and safe drawing.
- Uniquely designed drawing system.
- A metal sphere within a polymer block to provide optimal security and speed.
- Uses the same belt attachment as the Ultimate and the Thunder.
- Remodeled and enhanced to complete the line of Ghost’s holsters.
Product information
Colour: Black
Weight: 200g
Material: Unbreakable Tekno Polymer